This article was originally published by Dené Sinclair on the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada blog .
Canada’s regional diversity extends far beyond its rich and varied landscapes: our country is home to hundreds of ancient Indigenous communities that have withstood the test of time for thousands of years and are still vibrant today. Visitors can learn about the diverse Indigenous cultures by visiting cultural centres and heritage parks across Canada, hearing stories passed down through generations, visiting prehistoric sites and following the footsteps of Indigenous peoples.
Take a step back in history at Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Tourism Saskatoon/Carey Shaw
With more than 6,000 years of history
Wanuskewin Heritage Park It is a national historic site outside Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and the longest-running archaeological dig site in Canada. As you explore prehistoric stone circles, stone piles, plant seeds, eggshell fragments and animal bones, vivid commentary brings the lives of the Northern Plains Aboriginal people to life. Follow your guide on the Cultural “Path of the People” and get a glimpse of the prosperous social life on the prairie long ago.
Learn about Aboriginal myths and legends at Wendake Tourism
Canadian Tourism Commission
Huron-Wendat Museum Just 14 minutes from downtown Québec City, you can learn more about the culture of the Huron-Wendat people. In the evening, you can take a guided tour of the site with a local storyteller, stay overnight in a traditional longhouse, and experience the real life of the Huron-Wendat people.
Learn about the living history of the Mi’kmaq people at Membertou Heritage Park
Tourism Nova Scotia
Five acres of Membertou Heritage ParkJust outside Sydney on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, you can learn about the ancient culture of the Cultural Mi’kmaq people by touring indoor exhibits to see how stories and history have been passed down through generations, and browse the Petroglyphs gift shop to pick up a piece or two of locally made art and crafts.
Experience vibrant Haida Aboriginal culture at the Haida Cultural Centre in Ḵay Llnagaay
Destination BC
Readmore Along visit Canada Great Trail The best places 2025
Located on the northwest coast of BC
Haida Folk Culture Center Haida Heritage Centre Designed in the style of a traditional seaside village, the 50,000 square foot building houses a museum, Cultural a performance hall, a carving hall, a canoe hall, a tavern and two multi-purpose classrooms. Here you can explore the language, art and stories of the Haida people’s relationship to the land and the sea.
Soak up the atmosphere at the Wanlington Cultural Centre
Government of Yukon
Visit the Yukon River
Wanlington Cultural CenternKwanlin Dün Cultural Centre You will be introduced to the stories, art, music and traditional food of the Wanlington Aboriginal people who have lived on this land for thousands of years. You can also visit many carefully curated exhibition , and browse the exhibits with interpretive signs along the spacious corridors. Don’t miss the Sun Moon Window, a work by Tlingit artist Mark Preston.
Explore Metepenaghi Heritage Park and follow in the footsteps of the Mi’kmaq people
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
Mi’kmaq culture has flourished in New Brunswick for more than 30 centuries.
Metepenagiag Heritage Park, you can learn stories of the past, listen to music and oral histories of the land. Stroll along park trails and visit historic villages. The village is home to two national historic sites: Augustine Mound and Oxbow, once a thriving Mi’kmaq fishing community.